Analisis Pengaruh Iklan Media Cetak Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pda PT Harpindo Jaya Cepiring Kendal
The purposes of this study are firstly to investigate the influence of print media advertising (understanding the information, completeness of information and interest in the ads) on consumer purchase interest, and secondly to determine the relationship between variables.
Methods of data collection in this research were by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The total sample is 63 respondents. Statistical analyses used are multiple linear regression analysis and correlation.
The result of this analysis is that each variable has a regression coefficient with understanding the information that was 0.278 with the significance of 0.000, completeness of information was 0.395 with the significance of 0.000 and attractiveness in the ads was 0.619 with the significance of 0.000.
It can be concluded that the three independent variables had effect on the dependent variable. Based on the standard measure of strength of relationships, each variable can be stated that the relationship is strongly positive enough. As can be seen from the Pearson Correlation for each variable: 0.432, 0.516 and 0.559 was markedly positive. Based on this research, print media ads do have an effect of 63.8%, and the rest was influenced by other factors. Companies can research these other factors to increase the buying interest.
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