Pelaksanaan Pengukuran Tingkat Absensi Karyawan Pada Perusahaan Umum Bulog Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah
Nowdays there are so many institution in Indonesia, so it is a hard competition between them. Employees are very important for a institution, because all of the activities in institution is done by employees. An important factor to develop the institution are crucial to improve their work discipline which is needed to reach the aims of the institution. One of way to know employees work discipline is from management of attendance.
The perpose of this report is to know the management of attendance as a way to know ,measuring the degree of implementation of absence at Public Company Bulog Divisi Regional Central Java.
The management of employees absence at Public Company Bulog Divisi Regional Central Java uses time method and attendance book. The personnel department will process the absence list to know the employees allowance or absent from job as it is scheduled. The result of this report show that the percentage of this absence rate in January until June 2010 is 5.20%. It means that the work discipline at Public Company Bulog Divisi Regional Central Java is high.
The management of employees absence is closely related to the work discipline of employees. Because from the employees absence management personnel will know the discipline of employees. This absence shows the frequently of absence employees, who came late leave at working hours.
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