Pengendalian Kualitas Bahan Baku Wooden Furniture Untuk Produk Ekspor Pada PT Harrison And Gil Java Semarang
In globalization Area, actually for company which produce a product always needed raw material to doing production process. The Quality Control of raw material is important to defend the company survive, because raw material is main input which dominant for produce the product.
PT Harrison And Gil – Java Semarang is an exporter company which produce furniture product like Chairs, Sofa, Table, Cabinets, Bed furnishing. The furniture products will be exported to foreign countries such as China, Greece, Italy, Egypt, India etc..
The purpose of this final project report are to know about standard of raw material quality, quality control of raw material activities, standard of raw material for foreign consumers, and also to know the number of raw material defect at PT Harrison And Gil – Java Semarang. This final project report was written descriptively. The techniques of data collection are observation, interview and literature study.
The result of discussion were standard of raw material consist of 3 Grades, they are Grade A, B, C with each classification, the quality control activites there was doing inspection to raw material from supplier before they was sent to werehouse then arrange the raw material to be three grade next include the raw material in Dry Kiln, while standart of raw material wooden furniture for foreign consumer fulfill all requirement in VLO or Without VLO, and then the number of raw material defect in werehouse on June, 2010 was 96 pieces
Recommendation from this obstacle are QC must do an inspection of raw material in werehouse and doing sprying to kiil the pest, that step will decrease number of raw material defect and financial lose out in PT Harrison And Gil Java Semarang.
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