Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan pada balai besar wilayah sungai Pemali-Juana Semarang
Leadership style is a kind of preparation that a leader uses in directing, actuating, stimulating and seeking the situation to give employees motivation. The purpose of the research is to analyze the influence of leadership style on employees work motivation. A survey is conducted in four stages. The first stage observation on the object directly. The second stage is conducting interview with personnel Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana Semarang employees. The third stage is giving questioners to 40 employees respondent, result of it is analyzed using regression analysis, correlation analysis, determination coefficient and regression coefficient test. The last stage is conducting literature study.
The analysis methods are simple linear regression, correlation, determination
coefficient and t-test.
The result of the regression analysis shows that coefficient of y=51,027+0,340X. It means that leadership style and employees work motivation have positive correlation. Meanwhile determination coefficient shows that R square=0,011. it means 11% employees work motivation variant influenced by leadership style variant.
On the other hand, the test trial of the influence leadership style on employees work motivation indicates that there is significant influence because the value of t calculating (2,163) is bigger that t table (2,024) with significant level of 5%. Therefore, it is stated that leadership style has influences on employees motivation work.
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