Analisis Pengaruh Biaya Promosi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Hoetel Bandungan Indah
The purpuses of this research were to identify the promotion activities, to identify sales volume from the years of 2005 until the years of 2009, and to analyze the influence of promotion cost to the sales volume at Hotel Bandungan Indah.
The data used in the final report were primary and secondary data. The data were collected by observation, interviews, and literature studies. This report was written by analitycal method. The data were analyzed in multiple linier regression, coefficient correlation, and determination coefficient, t-analysis, F-test analysis. The analysis was processed constructively by SPSS 16.0 for windows.
The result of regression analysis with the assistance of SPSS program indicates that Y = 72128,086 + 11.801 X1 + 6.412 X 2 . Based on t test analysis, t value for personal selling cost is 5.674, and t table is 2.306 so t value > t table. It means that personal selling cost have positive influence on sales volume. On the order hand t value for advertising cost is 2.690 > 2.306 it means the advertising cost have effect no sales volume.
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