Analisis Faktor Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Konsumen Pada Matahari Departement Store Simpang Lima Semarang
Customers' loyalty is very important to know to have the idea of how much to expand and retain customers' loyalty market. Several factors have become the reasons why customers become loyal. Those factors are product, promotion and place therefore, the written interest to take the title "INFLUENCE FACTORS ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMERS’ LOYALTY IN MATAHARI DEPARTMENT STORE SIMPANG LIMA SEMARANG". The purpose of this study was to determine characteristics of respondents who become customers of Matahari Department Store Simpang Lima Semarang, to determine whether product, promotion and place factors influence customers' loyalty and knowing the greatest factors affecting customers' loyalty in Matahari Department Store Simpang Lima Semarang. The object of this research was Matahari Department Store Simpang Lima Semarang, the researcher used interviews, questionnaires and literature studies to collect data and used analysis as the writing method, while linear regression was used as the tool. The calculation of the discussion can be seen that the regression coefficient value of the product (0.305), promotion (0.264) and place (0.579). For the result we can get regression equation as Y= -1.392 + 0.305X1 + 0.264X2 + 0.579X3. From the above analysis we can conclude that the product, promotion and location have affected the customers' loyalty as the value of each regression coefficient is positive.
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