Analisis Daya Tarik Harga, Daya Tarik Logistik, Daya Tarik Produk Dan Daya Tarik Pelayanan pengaruhnya Terhadap Hubungan Pemasaran Produk Dengan Riteler Pada PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang
The purpose of the research is to find out direct distribution activities on consumer good at PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang and to analyzed atractiveness of price, attractiveness of logistic, attractiveness of product, and attractiveness service influenced to the decision product marketing relationship with retailer at PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang Semarang
The method in collecting data were observation, interview, literature review an distributing questionnaires to 50 retailer PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang.
The result of the multiple linier regression was Y = 1.221 + 0.223 X1 + 0.245X2 + 0.244 X3 + 0.351X4. its means that price, logistic, product, and service had positive regresion to Product Marketing Relationship With Distributor. R square indicates that 0.610, it means that price, logistic, product, and service had influence of 61% to Product Marketing Relationship With Distributor. Then, the t test from Influenced attractiveness price, attractiveness of logistic, attractiveness of product, and attractiveness of service To The Decision Product Marketing Relationship With Retailer indicated that t test 2.300, 2.396, 2.607,and 4.233 is bigger than t table 2.011 by using two side test of 5 %. And from F test, indicates that F = 0.00 is biger than 0.05. This shows that Ho was rejected, it means there was an influence of Riteler’s charm power On Braid Product Marketing Relationship With Distributor At PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang.
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