Persepsi Tentang pelayanan Pelanggan Pada Bengkel Toyota Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang
In this era, competition is very tight and the activity of economic have developed rapidly. The business people is demanded to survive and be progressive in doing business. Competitin of business is happens in both of goods business and services business.
The objective of this research is to know the perception of customers toward the services given by Toyota Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang.
This final project report is written descriptively. Data were collected by observation, interview, and distributing the quesionaires. All the data collected are used to describe the perception about the services given to customers at Toyota Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang.
Types of data used in this research are qualitative and quantitative. Data were processed by using SPSS program.
The result of the research shows that the preception about the services consists of tangible with total score (173) (186) (206) (198), reliability with total score (209) (202) (205) (175), responsiveness with total score (181) (192) (196) (190), assurance with total score (174) (187) (202) (197), and empaty with total score (197) (203) (192) (200).
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