Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas pelayanan General Service Departement Terhadap Kepuasan pelanggan Pada PT Pamapersada Nusantara Bekasi
In globalization era recently, there are many competition happening in variety sectors, especcially in bussines. Some companys compete with another to get a segment market, so this case will spur on the company to try barging ahed in repair their bussines. PT PAMAPERSADA NUSANTARA is one of the company that budging in service mining sector that one of the division are General Service Department, that as duty to service employee or customer that is parties who make a compromy with PT PAMAPERSADA NUSANTARA.
The purpose of this research are to analysis influence that is parties which make influence service quality variable, there are reliablity, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan tangible toward customer satisfaction at PT PAMAPERSADA NUSANTARA. Method of collection data in this research is use quetioner. Statistic analysis that used in this research are linier regression bifilar. It used to know the influence of independent variable toward dependent variable.
The result of this analysis are, reliability have a beta 0,55 with significant 0,043, then responsiveness hane beta 0,097 with significant 0,023, then ssurance have a beta 0,189 with significant 0,049, then empathy have a beta 0,156 with significant 0,040, and tangible have a beta 0,190 with significant 0,014.
Based on questioner that had been given to responden, that is customer from General Service department, gotten some advi ce that have a purpose to create good image from PT PAMAPERSADA NUSANTARA, there punctuality that had been promised must be realize so don’t make the customer dissapointed. The problem have to be solved quickly, in order to make customer satisfied
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