Hubungan Antara Persepsi Konsumen Mengenai Harga Dengan Minat Kunjung Pada Hotel Bandungan Indah Semarang
Hotel Bandungan Indah is a hotel with 18 bungalow which divided to be a 27 room. Location Hotel Bandungan Indah in Veteran Street no. 3 Bandungan, district of Semarang. Many visitors come to the hotel but they just ask the price, and not stay in that hotel
Based on the above descriptions the author is interested in conducting research on the perception of customers about the price costumer’s interest to stay by taking the title "THE CORRELATION BETWEN PERCEPTION OF CONSUMER PRICE AND VISITNG INTEREST IN HOTEL BANDUNGAN INDAH SEMARANG"
The methods of collecting data and literature Were questionnaire study. The sampling technique Used of this research was accidental sampling and 67 respondents Were taken as the sample. The analysis methods used was chi-square and contingency coefficient.
The result of this analysis by chi-square test shows That the price was 17 404. This result shows, That Ho is Rejected and Ha is Accepted. The analysis result by the contingency coefficient test shows there was correlation Between costumer’s perception with the consumer buying decision.
Finally, it is recomended That company should pay more attention to the price factor. Both of the rental price is set, discounts and rebates. Companies can also provide a more attractive package to stay, for example by involving the local community by organizing a walk using carriage, Bandungan typical tasting snacks. This can provide income, excluding the rental of rooms.
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