Analisis Hubungan Brand Image (Citra Merek) Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Rumah Makan Ayam Goreng Nyonya Suharti ( Cabang Semarang )
The purpose of this research was to analyse the correlation rate between brand image to consumer’s purchase intention at friedchicken restaurant nyonya suharti. The population of this study is the end consumer , the sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The procesing data method used was validity and reliability test, and chi squere test.
The result of the study shows that the variable company’s image and variable of product image have a very strong correlation with consumer’s purchase intention. Each variable have the maximum coefficient contingency value (Cmax) of equal to 0,866. Variable of company’s image have X2 count = 12,475, C value = 0,159 with the difference of C and Cmax = 0,707. Variable of product Image has the value X2 count = 13,540, C value = 0,173 with the difference of C and Cmax = 0,693 and from the result it is known that variable of company’s image has the highest correlation rate to consumer’s purchase intention, the next level was product image.
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