Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Beli Konsumen Pada pasar Tradisional (Studi Kasus Pada Pasar Johar Semarang )
Marketing mix strategy is developed to obtain or purchase the public interest in a company. When the marketingmix is managed properly, it can maintain the survival of company. That is the writer is interested to take the final project with the title “ANALISYS OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CONSUMERS BUYING INTEREST IN TRADISIONAL MARKETS (CASE STUDI OF THE MARKET JOHAR)”
The purpose of this study are to determine the factors that influence consumer purchase interest in tradisional markets and to find out where the most dominant factor influencing consumer purchase interest in traditional markets.
The sampling technique in this research is accidental sampling method. In the preparation of this final project report, the methods of data collection are interview, questionnaires, and literature. The writing method used in this study is an analyze, using instruments Regression.
The discussion results of product variables show to have significant level of 0.004 which is smaller than the value of alpha (0.05) which means a significant or influential. Price has significant levels of 0.035, which means significant or influential, and for 0.900 location has a significant value, which means insignificant or no effect, obtained from the above discussion of the regression equation Y=0.967+0.753B+0.493C+0.025D+e
The conclusion is there is significant influence of the variable product and prise together with the calculated F value for 9.021, with a probability value of 0.000 on their own or with a T-score count of less than 0.05 to enthusiasm buys. Variable products have the most impact on purchase interest that is equal to 0.753.
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