Analisis Faktor Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kesetiaan Pelanggan Pada Toko Simpang Tiga Semarang
There are many retail store in this year. Simpang Tiga is which one of them. When a buying, the customer considered many aspect likes product, price, service and location. There fore, I was motivated to write final report wit title “ ANALYSIS OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CUSTOMER LOYALTY AT SHOP SIMPANG TIGA SEMARANG”
The purpose this report is to analysis the factors that influence customer loyalty such as product, price, service and location.
The sampling technique in this research is accidental sampling method. In preparation of this final report, the method of data collection are interview, observation, questionnaires, and literature. The writing this report is using the instrument is regression.
This discussion result of variables (product, price, service and location) show the significant level the value of alpha (0,05) which means significant or influential, obtained from the discussion of the regression equation
The conclusion is that there is significant influence of the variable product, price, service and location with the calculated F value for 40,239, with probability value of 0,000. variable product have the most impact on costumer loyalty that is equal 0,345.
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