Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Iklan Speedy (Dengan Media Radio) Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia TBK Kantor Cabang Ungaran
The purpose of this final project are Determining product attributes Speedy, advertising and consumer purchase interest of speedy, Measuring the quality of products, advertising and the amount of interest on consumer purchasing to Speedy and analyze the effect of product quality and speedy ads on Consumer interest in buying.
Research methods that are used in the final project are a regression multiple linier analysis, T-Test, F-Test and coefficient determination. The method of collecting data uses observation, interviews, questionnaires an literature studies. The number of respondents in this was 100 respondents.
The result question the validity of some indicators contained in the questionnaire produced a significance level of less than 5% while the test result produced cronbach alpha reliability of more than 0.6. So it can be said of all the questions in the questionnaire submitter to the respondent are valid and reliable. Multiple linier regression analysis produced the equation Y= -6.509 + 0.209 X1 + 0.113 X2, where product quality variables (X1) has a value greater than the variable speedy with radio advertising (X2) on consumer purchase interest (Y).
After we got the result of research on quality products and speedy advertising (with radio) on consumer purchase interest in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Branch Ungaran in Adjusted R2 for 63.1%, meaning that the independent variables (product quality and speedy advertising with radio) affect consumer purchase interest. A percentage of 36.9% influenced by other factors that are not proposed in this study. Companies can evaluate and examine the other factors like pricing and distribution of products that influence consumer purchase interest, so interest or consumer demand for spedy access to internet services can be progressively increased.
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