Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada PT Jaya Setia Plastik Demak
This research was conducted at PT Jaya Setia Plastik which is one toy company in Demak. The purpose of this study was to test how much influence the award of compensation toward the labour’s productivity in the production.
The data collection method was carried out by observation, interviews and Literature studies while data were analyzed by simple linear regression analysis, simple correlation with the T-test and coefficient of determination.
Results of analysis using simple linear regression equation was Y = 5.409 + 0.0003 X, so the equation was known that if the variable compensation increases or increased Rp 1000 then the variable would increase productivity by 0.0003 units.
Then the results of analysis with simple correlation method with a T-test with significance level (α = 0.05) showed that the T count = 4.409 or 4.41 and T table = 2.353. It meant that T count> t table, so Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Which meant that there was influence between compensation and productivity of work at PT Jaya Setia Plastik Demak.
While the coefficient of determination of yield rates of 86.6% which means 86.6% change in productivity caused by the compensation given by the company to employees and the remaining 13.4% is determined by other factors not examined, such as employee morale, work environment conditions, accuracy, diligence, and discipline each employee.
From these results we can conclude that the award of compensation affect the level of employee productivity in the production of PT Jaya Setia Plastik Demak.
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