Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Hotel Nugraha Wisata Bandungan
Hotel Nugraha Wisata was established in September 1989 and opened for public on March 24, 1990, with 12 rooms. The locatiion of Hotel Nugraha Wisata in Sumowono-Bandungan Street km.1 Bandungan. It’s engaged in a rented hotel service various service facilities.
The purpose of this final report was to investigate the influence of service quality to customer satisfaction at Hotel Nugraha Wisata Bandungan.
The analysis method used in this report was the regression analysis. The methods in collecting data are interview, literature review, and distributing questionnaires to 60 consumers of Hotel Nugraha Wisata.
The result of the simple linier regression analysis was Y=5.816+0.164, with t count = 5.017 > t table = 2.002, then Ho is rejected and Ha was accepted which means that there was influence of service quality to customer satisfaction at Hotel Nugraha Wisata Bandungan. The coefficient of determination equals to 0.303 which means that service quality contribute to customer satisfaction as much as 30.3%, while the remaining 69,7% influenced by other factors.
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