Analisis Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Jasa Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada PT Pos Indonesia Cabang Semarang
The purpose of this final project include, knowing services at PT POS INDONESIA SEMARANG BRANCH, identifying dimensions of service delivery, analyzing the dimensions of service satisfaction and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty.
The sampling technique in this research is `non‐random sampling that not all individuals are given the same opportunity to be able to be members of the sample. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. And here the sample is intended only to individuals who have never used the services of PT POS INDONESIA Semarang Branch. In this case the writer asks respondents, whether they have used the prospective service delivery at PT POS INDONESIA Semarang Branch.
The analysis technique used is regression analysis Path. With the following results: X = 0.811 X + e, which means the value of the coefficient of variable dimensions of service is 0.811 with significance level 0.000. This indicated that the service dimension (X) has positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Y2 = 0,651x + 0.261 Y1 + e, which means the value of the coefficient of variable dimensions of service (X1) 0,651 with significance 0,000 and directly influence loyalty (Y2) 0,261 with significance 0,002. It is conclusions that: variable service dimensions, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty is significant based on the Probability of calculated F value of 0.000. Because the value of probability value is smaller than 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted and variables of the dimensions of service and satisfaction has significant influence on loyalty separately own loyalty. Based on the variable T obtained by calculating the probability value0,000 and 0,002 less than 0.05 Ha, Ho was rejected and then accepted. Service dimensions directly influence the loyalty, not through customer satisfaction
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