Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Atribut Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Surat Kabar Harian Umum Suara Merdeka Studi Di Wilayah Tembalang Semarang
In central java, newspapers that already have big names is Suara Merdeka. Suara Merdeka newspaper has many loyal customers from all levels of life living in and around central java. Having many loyal customers is not easy, considering that changes occur each time. Market stays uncertain and with a declining public purchasing power, consumer choice is limited, while competition is increasing. Customes’satisfaction and dissatisfaction towards a product needs to be understood by the company because it can affect consumers’ behavior. A loyal customer is a satisfied customer to the values offered by companies, while consumers are not loyal is the opposite.
The purposes of the study was to examine the significant influence of closeness and knowing the effect of changing the attributes to customers’ loyalty. The population of this study were the consumers’ of Suara Merdeka newspaper in Tembalang region, with the total of 100 respondents. The multiple regression was used as the analytical method in this research in this study using multiple regression.
The conclusions from the analysis results was y = 0.041 + 0.334 X1 +0.225 X2 + 0.233 X3 + 0.229 X4, therefore it can be concluded that the news, language, print quality and layout gives a positive influence on customers’ loyalty. Based on the t test, t news was 4.937, languages was 3.321, the print quality was 4.220, layout was 3.106 all were larger than the table value 1.984.
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