Analisis Pengaruh Lokasi, Harga dan Pelayanan Ritel Terhadap Perilaku Konsumen Sesudah Pembelian Pada Pasar Raya Sentral Kendal
The primary purpose of the research is to find out the influence of location, price and retail service toward after the behaviour of purchasing consumers in Sentral Pasar Raya Kendal. The method in collecting data was interview, literature review and distributing questionnaires to 84 consumers at Sentral Pasar Raya Kendal.
The result of the multiple linier regression was Y= 4.158+0,182X1+ 0.241X2+0.188X3. It means that location, price and ritel service had positive influence with after the behaviour purchasing consumers. The determination coefficien analysis indicated R = 0.201, it means that influence between location, price and retail service to after the behaviour of purchasing was small. Then, the t test from the analysis indicated that t count location=2.336 , price= 2.838 and retail service=2.397 are bigger than t table 1.989 by using two side test of 5 %. This shows that Ho was refused, it means there was an influence of location, price and retail service toward after the behaviour purchasing consumers at Sentral Pasar Raya Kendal. The last, the simultan test from the analysis indicated that f count=6.705 is bigger f table= 2.72. This shows that Ho was refused, it means there was an simultan influence of location, price and ritel service toward after the behaviour purchasing consumers of consumers at Sentral Pasar Raya Kendal.
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