CV Mukti Manunggal Semarang represents a company which is active in printing office service, such as magazines, notes, forms, calendars, invitations, payment notes for the bank and others. But the amount of selling form printed by the company has fluctuated every month, as seen from January until December in year of 2008 and 2009. The objective of this final duty was to find out the impact of …
The product and service quality are factors that influence customers’ purchasing decisions. This study aimed to find out the quality of products and services at Matahari Simpang Lima, Semarang and to determine the effect of products and services quality to consumers’ purchasing decision. Multiple linear regression analysis was the method used in this study. The method of collected the dat…
The purpose of this final project are Determining product attributes Speedy, advertising and consumer purchase interest of speedy, Measuring the quality of products, advertising and the amount of interest on consumer purchasing to Speedy and analyze the effect of product quality and speedy ads on Consumer interest in buying. Research methods that are used in the final project are a regressio…
The development in motorcycle manufacturing has led to a tighter competition between motorcycle brands to get more consumers. The image of a brand is one factor that influences prospective in purchasing decision. The research was conducted at PT Sinargemala Sakti Semarang. The purposes of the research are to analyze the correlation between brand image of the product Kawasaki KAZE Z…
In globalization era recently, there are many competition happening in variety sectors, especcially in bussines. Some companys compete with another to get a segment market, so this case will spur on the company to try barging ahed in repair their bussines. PT PAMAPERSADA NUSANTARA is one of the company that budging in service mining sector that one of the division are General Service Department…
Nowdays there are so many institution in Indonesia, so it is a hard competition between them. Employees are very important for a institution, because all of the activities in institution is done by employees. An important factor to develop the institution are crucial to improve their work discipline which is needed to reach the aims of the institution. One of way to know employees w…
This research was conducted at PT Jaya Setia Plastik which is one toy company in Demak. The purpose of this study was to test how much influence the award of compensation toward the labour’s productivity in the production. The data collection method was carried out by observation, interviews and Literature studies while data were analyzed by simple linear regression analysis, simple cor…
The purpose of the research is to find out direct distribution activities on consumer good at PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang and to analyzed atractiveness of price, attractiveness of logistic, attractiveness of product, and attractiveness service influenced to the decision product marketing relationship with retailer at PT Grasia Timor Abadi Semarang Semarang The method in collecting data we…
he purposes of the study are to analyze the influence of reliability, responsiveness , assurance , empathy, and tangible on customer satisfaction. The methods of collecting data are observation, interview and questionnaire. The result of this research shows that: (1) Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy and Tangible Variables give significant influence toward the customer …
The purpose of study was to analyze the customer perception the service quality that has been given to the customer particularly to those who are used the service. The method used to collect data was observation in Suzuki workshop and interviews with service manager concerning the company’s profile. The questionnaires were distributed to the customers who were using the service. The results o…