The purpose of this research is to find out the existing filing system and how effective the filing system is at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Branch Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang. The methods in collecting data are observation, interview, literature study. This research is conducted in 25 working days at PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Branch Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang and…
This Final Project is intended to help archival process handling at PT. Taspen (Persero) Semarang Main Branch Office by making Archival Information System Program Based on Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 for recording of incoming and outgoing mail. Making this Archival Information System Program, it is used three methods. They are Observation Methods, Interviewing Methods, and Reading books and art…
Archive is a source of information and central memory for an institution or organization. A good archive arrangement in addition, will facilitate the recovery of archive. At PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Office Area VI Jateng & DIY, the reason to use the geographical system in running the Employees Archive, is that the system enables to facilitate recovery. However, there are still …
PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan is a sub of PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa dan Yogyakarta. PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Semarang Selatan serves customers in terms of new installation, power changes, migration, and customer sanctioned Control Power Consumption (P2TL). It uses manual method in a management of archives AAIL (Amplop Arsip Induk Pelanggan). AAIL is a large pink envelope contain…
Achive is a collection of documents that are stored in a systematic way. The purpose of the project report is to find out the implementation of archival storage system, find out the equipment and supplies, indentifying the constraints and advantages Indonesia the application of the system used Indonesia the management and overcoming obstacles. The project report was written by using descript…
The objectives of the study are to describe the mechanism of Inactive Archieves Disposal and to depreciate inactive archieves on records unit of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) Branch Tanjung Emas Semarang The final project is descriptively written Qualitative and quantitative data of the study were taken from secondary source. The data were collected using observation, interviews, and …
Tujuan pembuatan sistem pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar ini adalah mempermudah kinerja karyawan dalam pengelolaan dokumen. Karena seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi sistem informasi cara menyimpan dan mendistribusikan dokumen telah banyak berkembang. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengembangan sistem yang dig…
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia sangat membutuhkan air bersih untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Sehingga sangat dibutuhkan sistem pengolahan air yang berkualitas. Proses pengolahan yang sering dipakai adalah penyaringan air. Pada proses penyaringan air tersebut terdapat proses pencucian balik, proses ini digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran yang menyumbat media filter. Proses pencucian balik ter…
PT Semarang Autocomp Manufacturing Indonesia (SAMI) is the company section of Yazakai Group Japan Corporation that movement in component automotive industry and electric distribution manufacturing system to produce wiring harness. The company still used manual method in managing the file. In recording and searching about the file is less effective and less efficient. The purpose of this final t…
Archives have an important role to support activities with in a company. But still there are many documents and files in a ware house that are not neat. Documents it would be hard to find and will be easily damaged when a document is required. Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana also perform archiving activities for each incoming document each day will increase. Records management is a wa…