This aim of this study to identify the cause of waste time pre inspection sortation at line 8 PT Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Central Java and provide a solution to main cause. This final project uses 3 phases of observation. First phase analyze the causes of waste time using the cause-effect method with fishbone diagram to determine the cause of waste time pre inspection sortation on line 8 wi…
The System of Information of Purchasing at Toko Revolution Shop is an application which is used to manage and store the purchasing. It the data of purchasing are not managed correctly, it will create difficulties in finding information on the stock and reporting. For that reason, it is needed to create an application that solving the problem. The study aimed at making an information system o…
The purpose of the final project is first to find out the design of information system to manage the selling data by using Microsoft FoxPro 9.0. second to realize the data processing information system at Koperasi Sekar Rukun Selling Ungaran. The methods of collecting the data are observation, interview, utercature study The Final Project is written descriptively. The main menu of the sel…
The main objective of this final project is to find out about Express Post delivery service which includes measures to be undertaken as well as the results of a working implementation and execution constraints Express Post delivery at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Operating Area VI Central Java and Yogyakarta Semarang branch Sisingamaraja. The writing method in this project a descriptive study. Ty…
The purposes of this final project were to describe theNew Connection Services System for Prospective Customer at PDAM TIRTA MOEDAL Semarang City South SemarangBranch, related partiesofnew connection services system, the document of new connection services system, problem that experienced by customer of PDAM TirtaMoedal South Semarang Branch, and the solution of that problem. This final project…
Loan given to customers may cause bad debt, if the customer can not repay the debt, because it is on interest and basic loan. It is because the credit is good if balanced with system of issuing credit well too. The purpose of final report writing is to identify the system of giving credit to debtors to be of non member of Koperasi Kencana Mulya Semarang. This final report writing used descript…
This research was conducted to analyze and to test the influence of leverage (debt to total assets ratio), firm age, and firm size on firm performances. The population in this research were all manufacturing companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange which included various industry sectors during period of 2010 – 2012. Sampling technic used was purposive sampling. There were 25 companies which…
Teknologi informasi selalu berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dikarenakan keharusan dalam memungkinkan informasi untuk mencapai seluruh dunia secara real time. Komputer merupakan salah satu teknologi yang mampu memproses informasi secara otomatis sesuai dengan instruksi yang diberikan. (BBTPPI) merupakan sebuah balai dibawah kebijakan (BPKIMI) yang bergerak pada kegiatan penelitian, p…
The primary problem that is ussualy faced by the best Persero company such as PT Kereta Api Indonesia is the less effective of interpersonal communication that is done by leader, manager or staf. There are many mis understanding in a company so that it can effect a conflict, dispute and quarrel on each employees in office. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectivity of interp…