Tugas Akhir dengan judul Aplikasi Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Untuk Sistem Akuntansi, Sub Sistem Pembelian Pada KPRI ”Bina Sejahtera” Kantor SETDA Kabupaten Semarang, merupakan program yang dibuat dengan menggunakan software Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan kebutuhan perusahaan dalam mengolah data dan menghasilkan laporan. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dibangun perangkat…
In the world bussines, customers are valluable assets for a company, especially for the companies in public service sector such as PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Semarang. Positive customers opinion can establish good will of company. Good will is very important for company’s life , because good will can help the company to have a good relationship and acceptance from the customers and …
Financial report displayed each period does not directly give an illustration on the development of a company. It is necessary to analyze the report further in order to know of the company. The analysis of financial report ratio is a process in helping to evaluate the financial position and the result of company's operation at present and in the past time. It is aimed at predicting the most pro…
Every good company, organizational government, institute and social body in the field of administration requires a professional secretary. A professional secretary must have secretarial skills, a wide range of concerned knowledge, responsibility to the work, initiative and creativity so that she can assist to complete her boss’ duty without awaiting the command. The objective of this final …
Reimporting goods is a kind of import activity. The facility given to re-import activity is import duty-free. The Custom Office is a government institution that gives service on reimported goods. Therefore, I was motivated to write a Final Project entitled “Service on Imported Goods with Import Duty-Free at Tanjung Emas Semarang Custom Office”. The aims of writing this …
Facilities will make customers feel satisfied and interested in using services that are given by a company. As a promoter and an operator of the toll road, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Semarang pays attention much on services and facilities. As we have known, the toll road facilities always develop every year but complains from customers have been found. The purposes of this paper are to…
The primary task of a secretary at Patra Semarang Convention Hotel is to assist the manager in running the business of the company and the entire working environment related to internal, external and personal parties. The primary tasks of the secretary are handling telephone, receiving guests and preparing and arranging meeting. These duties need ethics for creating harmony and balance relation…
Hotel Pandanaran Semarang is a company of service of hospitality. By its slogan “Simply the Smart Choice”. They want to make the hotel as a remarkable Business hotel and convention in Central Java. The purpose of this report is to describe the role of Public Relations of Hotel Pandanaran Semarang in creating good relationship with Press at course the activities or media used by Public Rela…
Internal communication represents one of the activities that plays an important role in an organization. Communication which is performed effectively will be very useful for the employees to work effectively. The project report is aimed at identifying the roles of internal communication in enhancing work performance the employees at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic located at Jl. Singosar…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh kualitas aktiva, profitabilitas, likuiditas dan efisiensi terhadap kecukupan modal Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia Periode 2010-2014 baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia periode 2010-2014. Dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling diperoleh sampel seba…