Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Biaya Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), dan Kualitas Aktiva Produktif (KAP) terhadap Return on Assets (ROA). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari laporan keuangan publikasi triwulanan pada Bank BNI dan Bank BRI peri…
PT. Pura Textile merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri garmen. Gaji merupakan pembayaran atas penyerahan jasa yang dilakukan oleh karyawan yang bekerja selama satu bulan. Keterlambatan sering terjadi dalam menghitung gaji karyawan karena belum diterapkannya system penggajian yang terkomputerisasi, karena data harus dicatat atau diproses berulang kali dalam upaya menyusun laporan gaj…
The presence of internet technologies and email facility as a promotional tool can expand the marketing area. Use of the internet and e-mail technology at present has been very expanded and socialized. Internet technology is growing rapidly considered being very necessary in various fields of business. Web and e-mail technology can be used to convey information about the product being offered, …
Each company requires an archive and to avoid mistakes, archive must be treated and managed as good as possible, so the letter can quickly be found if they are needed. The discussion will be about various archives, the cause of damage to archives, archival arrangement measures, ways of maintenance records, how to care records, securing execution of archives and equipment used for archival st…
PT.Pura Barutama is a company product paper. In this occasion, the writer observes about the paper production process. Viewed from the production process, the company must have ever done the mistake in its production process both because of the machine or the tool used in working and because the mistakes made by the employees, leading to the product damage. The problem statement of research…
The companies whose business is in the sale of a car (Car Dealer),have a procedure in car sales. Therefore we need the broad knowledge on the procedures in the implementation of car sales. The purpose of this final report is to determine the procedures of car sales by cash and by credit and to know the parties involved in the sale of Toyota cars. The data were obtained through the method of obs…
Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) memiliki jaringan internet dan intranet yang terhubung pada sebuah server. Dalam suatu jaringan komputer, terdapat berbagai komputer yang terhubung. Kadang saat jaringan menjadi sangat lambat, harus dicari penyebab jaringan tersebut menjadi begitu lambat. Seorang admin jaringan komputer bertugas untuk memastikan jaringan di tempat admin bekerja dapat berjala…
The aims of this final project are: first, to find out the types of goods which get the facility of import duty deferment, second, to find out the supervision process of goods with facility of import duty deferment, third, to find out the mechanism in handling the imported goods, and last, to find out the mechanism of certain goods in import duty deferment. The Final Project is written descr…