Tujuan utama pada penelitian ini adalah mengkaji secara eksperimental kinerja turbin Zanette dan turbin Zanette berbasis sirip ekor ikan tuna. Langkah awal penelitian adalah membuat 2 buah model turbin Zanette yaitu basis ekor ikan paus dan basis ekor ikan tuna, model yang dibuat memilki ukuran diameter 30 cm; tinggi 30 cm, profil sudu turbin Zanette mengacu pada standar NACA 0018. Model-model …
Progress today a big impact in the use of smartphones, it also causes a great impact in the use of electrical pulses and pulses sales efforts. However, existing credit sales transaction in today's society is still done manually, using the messaging features on a mobile phone. The purpose of this final project is to create a sales application and business service management based on Android mobi…
Office space arrangement is important to succeed the company, and Administration division of Balai Besar Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Semarang has function to seek the services of research, therefore the Administration division needs office space arrangement to improve the employees performance efficiency. The objective of this report is to examine the arrangement of equ…