Tanggapan Pemilik Outlet Terhadap Penempatan dan Pemeliharaan Asset Glass Door Merchaindising (GDM) pada PT. Coca Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java
PT. Coca – Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java is the greatest beverage company in the world. It has one of its greatest asset is Glass Door Marchendising (GDM) which is managed by Cold Drink Equipment System (CDES). This condition resulted in some in GDM’s placement and maintenance. Based on that, I was inspired to write my final project report on “Outlet Owner Response to Placement and Maintenance of GDM Asset at PT. Coca – Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java”.
The purposes of this final project report are to describe the procedure of GDM’s placement at PT. CCBI, to describe of the GDM’s maintenance that widespread in some districts in Central Java and to describe the oulet owner response’s in Tembalang region to placement and maintenance of GDM at PT.CCBI.
The data were collected by doing observation, interview with staff of CDES, literature study and questioner. This final project report use descriptive method analysis.
GDM is refrigerator used to save beverage product from PT. CCBI Central Java. The types of GDM’s maintenance are preventive maintenance, field service and workshop. Some matters which should be observed before GDM’s placement are electrical power, sale potential, demands motive and business types.
Respondent in this final project report are 60 outlet owners in Tembalang region that borrowed GDM from PT. CCBI. Commonly, the procedure of GDM’s placement and maintenance which has been done by PT. CCBI Central Java is perceived good enough by outlet owners. The most respondents about 71.67% agree that GDM’s placement submission procedure is easy and about 28.33% disagree with statement. And the most respondent about 68.33% that GDM’s maintenance by PT CCBI is well and about 31.67% that GDM’ S maintenance don’t give satisfaction for outlet owner.
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