Sistem Pelatihan Anggota Koperasi Pada Dinas Koperasi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Propinsi Jawa Tengah
service cooperatives is a business entity are open, the container economy of the
people who strive for profit and try to meet the needs of its members, but must consider the goals and ideals of social, namely improving the standard of living and prosperity for all Indonesian people. Therefore, through training activities conducted in the cooperative will have a member which can be useful in the field of entrepreneurship and employment. That training is very important for members of cooperatives to improve the quality of work. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the terms and methods are performed during the training of cooperative members and can also learn methods of training of members cooperative .Data results obtained by the method of observation, interview and literature study. Data sourced from the primary data and data on the service cooperative members secunder. Training Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Central Java Province is very important and useful for small and middle- class society if you want to build a business or becoming an entrepreneur. Parties involved in training members of the cooperative that is members cooperative members and employees of cooperatives in cooperative training center hall.
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