Faktor-faktor Penyebab Retur Pada Gudang Denim PT Apac Inti Corpora Semarang
In the process of handling warehouse, one of the problems is the returned goods. The purpose of this study were to determine the factors causing returned goods, handling of returned goods in the warehouse, and the documents related to the handling of it. This research uses descriptive method in writing activities that will make the picture and then describe and explain an event systematically.
Based on the discussion of material that has been discussed it can be seen that the factors that cause the returned goods is not appropriate because of the quality, delivery constraints, the number of inappropriate items, production problems.
The handling of returned goods in the warehouse is done through several stages of marketing notices, then arrived and examination of documents, after which the information related parts warehouse, warehouse awaiting delivery return letter from the despacth department, so that goods can be repaired or repackaged by the department of inspecting. The documents related to the handling of returned goods is a memorandum, travel pass, return delivery, goods receipt, return Inspect.
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