Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Pelatihan Operator Produksi Bagin Spinning di PT Apac Inti Corpora Semarang
The purposes of this study were to identify the implementation of the evaluation of the spinning production operator training, the indicators used in the evaluation of training in terms of reaction and learning, the result from the evaluation of training in terms of reaction and learning and benefits, as well as obstacles.
The descriptive method was used in writing this report . This research was used to find a picture of implementation evaluation of the spinning production operator training in PT Apac Inti Corpora Semarang. The data were collected by interviews and literature studies.
The result of the evaluation of training production among operators in spinning part of the side reaction training for 43 participants could be concluded either for an average of 29.5 participants. Most respondents i.e of 29.5% perceive that evaluation from the reaction was good, but for the indicator of facilitator and mean of implementation was at rate of 21% and 35%. As for the evaluation of training production of operators was spinning part, the learning was still in a category of fairly good showing the mastery at 67% .The benefits of the production operator training evaluation result of the spinning side of the equation was done in the form of increased referrals to the instructor and practice spinning of the learning production operators and repair facilities or infrastructure and administration . The benefits of the training evaluation for the spinning operators was input and curriculum improvement on modules.
Training evaluation for production operators at spinning showsed no obstacles. The problem was only for the respondents who did not complete questioners was, monitoring is carried to prevent obstacle.
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