Mekanisme penerimaan BBM Impor pada PT Pertamina (PERSERO) S&D Regional IV Instalasi pengapon-Semarang
Indonesia as develop country needs gas and oil supply to support transportation, and industry. The increasing of oil demand and the unoptimal production causes importing oil from foreign country.
PT PERTAMINA (Persero) as the national oil company, import oil to fulfil the needs of oil in indonesia. In fulfiling the needs of oil in central java, PT PERTAMINA gives authorize to PT PERTAMINA (Persero) S&D Region IIB Instalasi Pengapon to receive imported oil.
The purpose of the final project are first, to find out the mechanism of receiving imported oil, second, to identify related parties and third, to describe related documents in receiving imported oil at PT PERTAMINA (Persero) S&D Region IIB Instalasi Pengapon.
The report was written descriptively. Data source were primary and secondary. Data are obtained through interview, observation, and literature studies.
It is concluded that the mechanism of receiving imported oil is started from buying the oil (Premium) in Singapore and than notify PT PERTAMINA (Persero) S&D Region IIB Instalasi Pengapon that there will be imported. PT PERTAMINA (Persero) S&D Region IIB Instalasi Pengapon should prepare certain import document that are sent to Derectorate General and Custom Excise Jakarta by online after that discharging can be done. Finally, the documents should be reported to Derectorate General and Custom Excise region VI.
Related parties in importing oil are PT PERTAMINA (Persero), PERTAMINA ENERGY SERVICES PTE, LTD, PT PERTAMINA (Persero) S&D Region IIB Instalasi Pengapon, Bank Mandiri, Tbk Branch Semarang Pemuda, Derectorate General and Custom Excise office Jakarta, Derectorate General and Custom Excise region VI Semarang, Port Administrator Tanjung Emas Semarang, Insurance Company, Shipping Company, Surveyor, and Terminal.
The required document are Import Goods Notify (PIB), RKSP, SSPCP, Expenditure Approval (SPPB), Custom Invoice, Bill of Lading, Manifest, Certificate of origin, certificate of insurance, Authorization letter, Certificate of Quality, ect.
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