Mekanisme penangguhan bea masuk impor barang tertentu pada kantor pengawasan dan pelayanan bea dan cukai tipe madya Tanjung Emas Semarang
The aims of this final project are: first, to find out the types of goods which get the facility of import duty deferment, second, to find out the supervision process of goods with facility of import duty deferment, third, to find out the mechanism in handling the imported goods, and last, to find out the mechanism of certain goods in import duty deferment.
The Final Project is written descriptively. The Data were obtained through Interviews, Observation, Internet Browsing, and Literature Studies.
The results show that, the types of goods which receive facilities are imported capital goods and equipment that are used by Entrepreneurs Bonded Zone (PKB). The mechanism of payment on deferment for certain imported goods is the maintenance of PIB and selective customs inspection.
It is recommended that THE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE OFFICE OF TANJUNG EMAS SEMARANG is expected to provide socialization to users of customs related services and give the explanation about the service provided.
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