Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Citra Perusahaan melalui Kepuasan Nasabah serta Dampaknya terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (Studi Kasus Nasabah PT Bank Syariah Indonesia di Kota Semarang) = Effect of Service Quality and Company Image through Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty at Bank Syariah Indonesia (Case Study of Customers of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang City)
This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality and company image through customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang City.
The population in this study were customers of the Bank Syariah Indonesia in Semarang City. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling in the form of purposive sampling of 100 respondents. The data used in this research is primary data obtained through distributing questionnaires. Model data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). While the data analysis technique uses the evaluation of the inner model and outer model.
The results of the analysis and discussion show that the service quality variable has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Meanwhile, company image has no significant effect on customer loyalty. In the indirect relationship, customer satisfaction can mediate the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty but cannot mediate the relationship between company image and customer loyalty.
Keywords: Service Quality, Company Image, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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