Perhitungan Efektivitas dan Kontribusi Pendapatan Pajak Parkir terhadap Pajak Daerah Kota Semarang Tahun 2018-2022 = Calculation of The Effectivenes and Contribution of Parking Tax Revenue to Local Taxes in Semarang City for 2018-2022
Tamariska Liviana Lumbantobing, “Calculation of the Effectiveness and Contribution of Parking Tax Revenue to Local Taxes in Semarang City for 2018-2022”. Final Project D3 Accounting Study Program of Accounting Major of Semarang State Polytechnic under the guidance of Mr. Kusmayadi, S.E., M.Si, Akt., CA. and Dra. Nurul Hamida, M.Pd. August 2023, 57 pages.
The purpose of writing this Final Project is to determine the level of effectiveness of Semarang City Parking Tax Revenue in 2018-2022 and the level of contribution of Parking Tax Revenue to Semarang City Local Tax in 2018-2022. Local Tax has experienced instability due to the pandemic Corona Virus Desease (Covid-19) in 2020-2021. The research method used to collect data is interview and observation. The writing method used is the method of description and exposition. The results of the discussion in this Final Project are the level of effectiveness of Semarang City Parking Tax Revenue for 2018-2022 of 83.51% in the Sufficient Effective criteria and the Level of Contribution of Parking Tax Revenue to Semarang City Parking Tax Revenue for 2018-2022 of 1.18% with Very Less criteria.
Keywords: Local Tax, Parking Tax Revenue, Effectiveness, Contribution
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