Aplikasi Pendeteksi Kanker Mulut (Oral Cancer) Secara Dini Berbasis Android = Android Based Early Oral Cancer Detection Application
Ajeng Dwi Jayanti and Dwi Nur Aini “Android-Based Early Detection Of Oral Cancer”, Final Project of DIII Department of Electrical Engineering, Semarang State Polytechnic, under the guidance of Slamet Handoko, S.Kom., M.Kom., and Muhammad Irwan Yanwari, S.Kom., M.Eng., August 2023
Oral cancer is a type of cancer that grows and develops around the mouth to the oral cavity or oropharynx. At present, the level of public awareness and concern for oral cancer is still low, this is due to a lack of education about the dangers of oral cancer. In addition, the cost of screening for oral cancer is still relatively expensive. In addition, the use of Android applications has expanded today, involving various age groups from teenagers to adults. Through this android application, all activities that are usually carried out through the website can run more practically. One of them is the development of an android-based early detection of oral cancer application called OralVision which is useful for early detection of oral cancer for the general public. Where with this application, it is hoped that the public can perform early oral cancer screening without incurring high costs. The application used in developing this research is Android Studio and uses Deep Learning in its development. The method used is the waterfall method which consists of 5 stages, namely requirements analysis, system design, writing program code, application testing, and application maintenance. Testing is carried out using the black box method which tests the usability of features and uses a questionnaire to test user satisfaction.
Keywords : Android, Oral Cancer, Deep Learning
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