Penanganan bea masuk pengamanan/safeguard produk keramik tableware pada kantor pengawasan dan pelayanan bea dan cukai (KPPBC) tipe madya pabean Tanjung Emas Semarang
The implementation of safeguard duties on ceramic Tableware products might cause a serious loss / threat of serious loss suffered by domestic manufacturers that produce similar goods or goods which directly compete that will cause the rise in import volumes of the concerned goods.
The purpose of this final project was to investigate the handling of safeguard duties, especially on ceramic Tableware products and to identity the documents issued by the KPPBC.
The methods of collecting data were observations, interviews and literature studies. This final project was written descriptively.
The handling of safeguard duties on KPPBC has already been done online, so the service carried out by the customs has been good enough. The documents issued by the KPPBC are only PIB and BMTP.
The conclusion of this final project report was that the service given by KPPBC was good. Even though, there were sometimes some documents rejected while being keyed in online. That’s why at was suggested that KPPBC do the socialization with the importers.
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