Mekanisme pengawasan dan penerbitan sertifikat WPP (Woven Poly Propulene) pada PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (SUCOINDO) Cabang Semarang
In exporting the WPP (Woven Poly Propylene) product, the exporter need third party to inspect the goods as represent of importer abroad. The third party is PT Sucofindo, PT Sucofindo inspect the appropriateness of goods that will be loaded into the container.
The purpose of the final project are to find out the types of WPP inspection, find out the related documents, find out the related parties and final out the mechanism of supervising and issuing certificate at PT Sucofindo.
The final project uses descriptive method, the types of data are quantitative and qualitative, the source of data are primary and second. The method of collecting the data are observation, interview and library study
It is found that the mechanism of issuing certificate of WPP certificate is started form receiving the order in from of RFI (Report For Information), RFI is recorded into OPS (Operation System) and the output is order receiving form that is sent to the customer, then the letter of duty is made for the need of inspector. As the field officer, inspector supervises the goods based on the request from the customer. The result will be validated by senior inspector, and the certificate draft will be sent to the customer. After the draft certificate appropriates with packing list, shipping marks, bill of lading then certificate will be issued and sent to the customer.
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