Efektifitas dan manfaat penerapan restrukturisasi pada usaha mikro sebagai upaya penurunan kredit bermasalah di BPR arto moro kantor pusat elang kota semarang = Effectiveness and benefits of implementing restructuring on micro enterprises as an effort to reduce non-performing loans at BPR Arto Moro headquarters, Elang, Semarang City.
Triara Anggi Nabela NIM "Effectiveness and Benefits of Implementing Restructuring on Micro Enterprises as an Effort to Reduce Non-Performing Loans at Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Arto Moro Main Office Elang, Semarang City." Final Project, Accounting Department, State Polytechnic of Semarang, under the guidance of Winarni, S.E., M.M., and R. Gunawan Setianegara, S.E., M.M., July 2022. 90 pages.
The banking sector plays an important role in driving the economic growth of a country in the era of globalization. All business sectors and individuals, both now and in the future, will be inseparable from the banking sector, even becoming a necessity for conducting financial activities to support business operations. Banks provide credit services to support the business needs of their customers. However, a restructuring program is needed as an effort to save non-performing loans (NPLs) at BPR Arto Moro, Semarang City. This restructuring program arises from economic factors in Indonesia, making it a solution to the obstacles faced by debtors who have difficulty meeting their obligations. The effectiveness of this program can be assessed by its benefits and impact on the NPLs of BPR Arto Moro. Through the restructuring program, negotiations between the bank and debtors will emerge to reach agreements that do not harm either party. This program greatly helps in reducing NPLs and will continue to be sustainable as the community's economy develops. Therefore, this research investigates the effectiveness and benefits of restructuring at BPR Arto Moro, Elang Main Office, Semarang.
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