Penanganan surat masuk dan surat keluar di bagian sekretariat PT PLN (Persero) area pelayanan dan jaringan (APJ) Semarang
The General Secretariat department has important in handling incoming and outcoming mail at PT PLN (Persero) APJ Semarang. General Secretariat department to have controlled incoming and outcoming mail which applied in book of “Tata Laksana Surat dan Kearsipan” (TLSK). This activity are how to create, distribute and storage mail.
The purpose of this final project is to know handling incoming and outcoming mail, delivery media and acceptance mail and problem of incoming and outcoming mail in general secretariat department. The method of collecting data in final project are observation, interview and library study. The data consist of primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative. This final project was written descriptively.
It is concluded of final project is PT PLN (Persero) APJ Semarang has done applied in book of “Tatalaksana Surat dan Kearsipan PT PLN (Persero)” of handling incoming and outcoming mail. Delivery media and acceptance mail are courier, faximile, by post or directed distributed by interrelated.
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