Analisis pengaruh biaya promosi terhadap realisasi penjualan pada sales region IV Lubricants PT Pertamina (Persero) Unit IV Wilayah Jateng & DIY
The purpose of this Final Project is to find out influence of promotion expense to the sales realization. The method used in the final project is Simple Regresion analysis. The data used are the primary data and secondary data through interviews, observation, search the internet and reference books. The conclusion of this final project, using the SPSS program obtained results that the magnitude influence of independent variable (promotion expense) to dependent variable (sales realization) is 61.5%. This means that 61.5% of sales realization are influenced by variations in the realization of promotion expense while the remainder 38.5% influenced by other factors. The ANOVA test or F test, the obtained F count is 73.614 with a significant level of 0.000. Because the probability 0.000 is much smaller than 0.05, then the regression model can be used.
The result of hypothesis testing is known to have a positive and significant influence of the promotion expense with the sales realization that occurs, because the test T t count > t table (8.580 > 2.012) so that Ho refused and Ha received.
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