Pelaksanaan ekspor labi-labi melalui jalur udara pada PT Delta Aerosupport Semarang
The purposes of this final project are to find out the accomplishment exporting Labi-labi by air.
The research method used is descriptive method to describe the handling of export shipments by air fern. The used data are the primary data and secondary data.
Mechanism for handling export of Labi-labi at PT Delta Aerosupport starts with the call from the exporter to the cargo handler(PT Delta). then the goods were sent to the cargo handler and the cargo handler prepares the documents. The first thing, the cargo handler makes is packing list / invoice and sumbmit the PEB to get NPE for customs. Then the cargo handler takes a sample of Labi-labi to quarantine to get a phytosanitary certificate an then cargo handler must take a sample to BKSDA to get the certificate of BKSDA.The goods will be recived by warehousing staff. The Airline makes the AWB and the goods is put to warehouse. When it made memorandum of rectification for customes is made then. When the costoms has checked the goods and make its approval, the airlines will check the goods and issue the approval, meaning that the goods can be shipped away.
The constraints faced by PT Delta Aerosupport (Cargo) Semarang in handling delivery Labi-labi are bad weather, the extra passengers, flight delay and can not book spot cargo of goods.
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