Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap disiplin kerja karyawan di RSU Banyumas
Human resource is a very important factor in an organization. Leadership which is possessed by each leader is a process to direct employees for the best outcome. Basically, a leader is someone who works over other people.
This research aims to examine and analyze the influence of leadership style to civil servant disciplines at Banyumas Public Hospital. The data are collected through questionnaires and carried out on 90 employees of Banyumas Public Hospital. The analysis of data in this research uses the SPSS version 16.0. Sampling method applies Proportional Sampling and data test techniquee used within the research includes validity test by product moment correlation technique, reliability test with Cronbach alpha. Simple linear regression analysis is used to test and to prove the research hypothesis.
The result of the research, the leadership style that are expected by the civil servants is the democratic leadership style. The highest employee absences rate in December 2011 and January of 1.12%
This data analyzed shows that the value of R is 0.321 which means that correlation of leadership styles with weakly work discipline is positive. Value of R Square is 0.103 meaning that 10.3% of work discipline factors is influenced by leadership style. While the rest of 89.7% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.
The analysis finds that leadership style has a positive influence toward civil servant discipline.
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