Pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT coca-cola amatil Indonesia Jawa Tengah
Employees is an important factor in a company. To improve employee’s performance PT Coca-cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java had trainning course for their employees, especially for sales representative.
The purpose of this study was to know about training course at PT Coca-cola Amatil Indonesia Central java and to know the influence of trainning course to performance of employees.
The method of collecting the data were interview, questionnaire, observation and documentation and the analysis used paired test method. The data used are the primary data and quantitative data. Primary data are include direct interviews with Manager Sales and Marketing Trainer. Quantitative data was used to know comparison between the employee’s performance before the training and performance after training. Training needs associated with specific performance is always defined in terms of results: At the end of the training program or the development of these employees are able to carry out duties in compliance with company standards and at the end of training or development program will be equipped to improve performance in their field one.
The result of this study for paired test was the average values of performance before training was at 78,9375 and average values of performance before training was at 104,6625. So, it can be seen the average value of performance before training and after training have a difference at 25,72500.
It can be concluded that training is very infulential to increase performance employee’s of Sales Representative at PT Coca-cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java.
It is recomended that to increase the employee’s performance PT Coca-cola Amatil Indonesia Central Java must always arrange training for employee’s. The purpose and target of the training must be concrete and distinctive, trainer must master theory training, training material should cope with problems of works, method uses were group discussion, playing character, test, team work, study visit, and the job trainig, trainess should be selected who meet the qualification requirement specified and the extend to which participants are able to fllow the training program.
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