Pengukuran keunggulan komparatif daya saing dan pertumbuhan ekspor melalui metode revealed comparative advantage (RCA) dan rate growth pada komoditi ekspor di Jawa Tengah 2009-2010
The purpose of the Final Report are firstly to describe the export of commodities in Central Java in 2009-2010. Secondly to measure of export commodities in Central Java which has a competitive edge by the method of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA). Thirdly to measure of commodity export growth in Central Java by the method of Rate of Growth. Fourthly to provide an overview of advantages of commodity exports to the growth of exports of Central Java in
The analysis shows that high competitiveness commodities of Central Java are Animal Husbandry; Agriculture and Forestry; Mining and Quarrying; Yarn and Textile Industry; Wood, Cork and Hay Industries; Paper Industries; Mineral and Stone Industries; Leather and Leather Industry; Fuel; Metal Industry; Vehicle and Spare-parts; Industrial Machinery, Electrical and Electronic and Other Industries.
The high Export Growth consists of Animal Husbandry; Agriculture and Forestry; Yarn and Textile Industries; Wood, Cork and Hay Industries; Paper Industries; Chemical, Plastics and Rubber Industries; Personal Equipment and Mineral and Stone Industries.
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