Analisis pengaruh motivasi, persepsi dan sikap terhadap keputusan konsumen memilih jasa pengiriman Pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Ungaran
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that influence the decision to choose service delivery to customers in PT.Pos Indonesia (Persero) Ungaran. The factors consist of motivation, perception, and attitude.
The sampling method used is accidental sampling. Testing hypothesis uses multiple linear regression. The data collection methods are obseravtion, interviews, and questionnaires.
The result of t test from the analysis indicates that t count motivation = 3.764, perception = 2.128 and the attitude= 2.618 are bigger than t table 2.011 by using two-side test of 0,05. This indicates that the variables of motivation, perceptions and attitudes have a positive influence and significant impact on the decision to choose. F test of the analysis indicates that the f count = 38.932 is greater than f = 2.81. This table shows that simultaneous motivations, perceptions, and attitudes significantly influence the decision to choose.
Then the result of multiple linear regression is Y = 0.605 + 0.449 X 1 + 0.207 X2 + 0.431 X3 + e. This means that the variables of motivation, perceptions and attitudes have a positive and significant influence on the decision to choose. Coefficient analysis shows that the adjusted R2 = 0.699 means the motivations, perceptions and attitudes have an influence by 69.9% against the decision to choose.
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