Pengendalian kualitas barang ekspor gondorukem pada kesatuan bisnis mandiri (KBM) industri non kayu Perum Perhutani Unit I Jawa Tengah
Industry in the era of globalization has developed quite rapidly. Indonesia has a lot of potential states of nature that must be maintained in order to compete and survive in international trade, so product quality should be controlled in order to be able to produce good quality products.
The purposes of writing this final project are to find out which product quality standards applied in KBM INK, to find out the quality control of raw materials, quality control of goods in the production process, to find out Perhutani’s role in production planning and realization of production and to identify constraints in controlling quality and how to overcome these obstacles.
Primary, secondary, qualitative and qualitative data are used in this study. They are collected by doing observation and interview. The report is written descriptively.
It was found that the KBM INK Perum Perhutani Unit I always plans production quantities for each type of quality and quality control applied to the raw materials come from the factory, during the production process, and post- production process.
It was concluded that the KBM INK Perum Perhutani Unit I always strives to achieve quality production plans in accordance with the classification quality of predetermined every years. Quality control work well through a very rigorous process.
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