Analisis kualitas pelayanan dan kinerja customer care dalam meningkatkan Citra PT Kereta Api (PERSERO) Daerah Operasi IV Semarang
Indonesia has many kinds of vehicles; there are cars, motorcycles, buses and trains. A lot of people prefer train transportation than others, because it’s cheap and isn’t crowded. PT Kereta Api establishes customers care unit to provide specialized information service and handle the ticket to counter the consumer’s complains.
The purposes of this study were to know job description of employess, to know profiles of consumers of PT Kereta Api Daop IV Semarang, to determine the effect of the quality of customers care service toward the image of PT KAI Daop IV Semarang, to determine the effect of the performance of customers care on the image of PT KAI Daop IV Semarang, and determine the effect of service quality and performance of customer care on the image of PT KAI Daop IV Semarang.
The population of this study were people who were in Semarang Tawang Station, and the sampling technique in this research was non-probability sampling, the sampling method used was purposive sampling and accidental sampling. The sample was anyone who was using the service of customers care at Semarang Tawang Station. Data were collected through questionnaires to 50 respondents.
The analysis techniques used were validity and reliability test, multiple linie regression analysis, the coefficient of determination (R2), T test, and F test. With the following regression equation:
Y = 4.202 + 0.278X1 + 0.377X2
which meant the value of coefficient performance of employee was 0.377 with significance level 0.008. It became the most dominant factor on corporate image because coefficient value was bigger than service quality. The F test, F count equal to 21.675, with probability value of 0.000. Because the probability value was smaller than 0.05 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted and variable service quality and performace of employee (simultaneously) had significant influence toward corporate image. Through T test, probability value of variables 0.002 and 0.008 was less than 0.05 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Service quality and performance of employee (partial) had significant influence on corporate image. The value of determination coefficient (R2) was 0.480 this meant that the 48.0% corporate image was influenced by service quality and performance of employee and amounted to 52.0% was influenced by other factors which did not exist in this research. Therefore the suggestion was to increase service quality of the company.
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