Pengaruh kualitas produk, efektifitas promosi dan ketrampilan menjual terhadap kinerja pemasaran pada bisnis mahasiswa Polines Negeri Semarang
The study was conducted to determine the performance of marketing students of Semarang State Polytechnic in runing their business. The study was evaluating the influence of product quality, the effectiveness of promotional campaign and selling skills of marketing students in Semarang State Polytechnic.
Data collection used judgment sampling technique taking 50 respondents of Semarang State Polytechnic students who have a business. Analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis and testing using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) for Windows version 17.0.
Regression equation of Y is = -2.090 + 0.614ࢄ + 0.760ࢄ
Result the analysis showed that:
the marketing Performance on business of students of Semarang State Polytechnic had been done well. there was no effect between product quality toward the performance of marketing,there was a positive influence between the effectiveness of promotional campaign and marketing skills to the Marketing Performance
The suggested recommendation of this research was to improve the promotion in terms of relations with the public (public relations), and was to increase selling skills in terms of technical skills, so that marketing performance
is achieved to get the optimal results.
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