Analisis pengarauhkualitas produk harga dan iklan terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor yamaha mio pada yamaha Mataram Sakti Semarang
This research was conducted to determine the purchasing decision on the PT. Yamaha Mataram Sakti. This research exemind the influence of quality's product, price, and advertising on the purchasing decision of Yamaha Mio motorcylce brands in the PT. Yamaha Mataram Sakti Semarang.
The Sampling technique used is purpossive. It takes 75 respondents, all of them are the users of Yamaha Mio motorcycle brands. Analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis and the testing using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) for windows version 16.0
The Analysis of test result shows that there is a negative effect on pricing to the purchasing decision. It means, if the price is going up, the purchasing will go down. And if the price drops, the purchasing will go up.
The suggestion of this research is the company needs to develop and improve the quality's product and make better advertisements in order to be more interesting. So, these variables affect the purchasing decision.
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