analisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada service bengkel PT Yamaha Mataram Sakti Semarang
The research was conducted to determine the level of service quality, trust and customers’ loyalty. In addition, the influence of service quality on customers’ trust and confidence in the quality of service and customers’ loyalty at the Yamaha Mataram Sakti PT Semarang.
This research used accidental sampling technique with the respondents amounting to 100 customers at Yamaha Mataram Sakti Service. Analysys techniques used here were descriptive analysis and pathway analysis. Test using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 16.0 for windows.
The result of descriptive analyses showed that the level of quality was good, the level of customers’ trust was excellent, while the level of customers’ loyalty was good. While the result of the regression analysis showed that service quality had positive effect and therefore significant on the customers’ trust and customers’ trust and confidence, later on, had positive and also signigicant to the loyalty of the customers.
Suggestions of this research, is that PT Yamaha Mataram Sakti should further improve the speed of service, especially in the motor service so that customers are satisfied with the service Yamaha motorcycle service.
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