Perancangan sistem informasi pemasaran produk kerajinan seni kaligrafi berbasis website pada CV Arindo Multi Tama Ungaran
This study about web design concerning marketing information system design for calligraphy arts product at CV Arindo Multi Tama Ungaran. Due to the existing direct marketing strategy.
The purpose of this final profject is to build a company profile and online marketing information system through the website, and to facilitate customer or prospective customer to obtain product information easily and quickly.
Data collection methods in the preparation of this final project include, literature study observation, and interviews with the company manager.
The result show that this website as a supporting media publishing company makes calligraphy products from CV. Arindo Multi Tama more widely known.
The conclusion is that e-commerce website is awakening Company Profile on improving corporate image and thus better known globally as well as easly to on how the product can be accessed in real time.
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